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What is super negin saffron ?







Super Negin Saffron is the strongest and finest of all saffrons. Hence, it is known as the most desirable saffron on the market.


Super Negin Saffron is the main descendant of the All red family. Other members of the All Red Saffron family are the Negin and Sargol varieties, where he ranks second and his third in terms of quality and value for money.


Being a member of All Red Saffron means they do not contain whiteness or konj.

Super Negin Saffron contains long and thick stigmas that represent the longest stigma and the most beautiful saffron.In the following, we introduce various aspects of Super Negin Iranian Saffron. 


Super Negin is the highest quality and most expensive saffron variety and places high demands on uniformly flat and thick stigmas.


100 kg of saffron flowers yields about 1 kg of super negin saffron. Habitat ecology, saffron bulb quality, care, harvesting, optimal peeling methods and drying techniques play an important role in Super negin production.


Super Negin is mainly exported from Iran in recent years due to its quality and appearance. East Asian countries, the Persian Gulf countries and even the United States have already achieved the highest demand.


Super Negin has the highest coloring strength of all saffron varieties at 240-290 units. Therefore, making Super Negin Saffron requires more effort, time and craftsmanship than other types of saffron.


As a result, European consumers were less interested in purchasing Super Negin, but it became more popular among consumers. They tend to use more organic and natural saffron varieties like Poushali and La Mancha.

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